

DataArray.xvec.extract_points(points, x_coords, y_coords, tolerance=None, name='geometry', crs=None, index=None)#

Extract points from a DataArray or a Dataset indexed by spatial coordinates

Given an object indexed by x and y coordinates (or latitude and longitude), such as an typical geospatial raster dataset, extract multidimensional data for a set of points represented as shapely geometry.

The CRS of the raster and that of points need to match. Xvec does not verify their equality.


An arrray-like (1-D) of shapely geometries, like a numpy array or GeoPandas GeoSeries.


name of the coordinates containing x coordinates (i.e. the first value in the coordinate pair encoding the point)


name of the coordinates containing y coordinates (i.e. the second value in the coordinate pair encoding the point)

tolerancefloat | None, optional

Maximum distance between original and new labels for inexact matches. The values of the index at the matching locations must satisfy the equation abs(index[indexer] - target) <= tolerance, by default None.

nameHashable, optional

Name of the dimension that will hold the points, by default “geometry”

crsAny, optional

Cordinate reference system of shapely geometries. If points have a .crs attribute (e.g. geopandas.GeoSeries or a DataArray with "crs" in .attrs), crs will be automatically inferred. For more generic objects (numpy array, list), CRS shall be specified manually.

indexbool, optional

If points is a GeoSeries, index=True will attach its index as another coordinate to the geometry dimension in the resulting object. If index=None, the index will be stored if the points.index is a named or non-default index. If index=False, it will never be stored. This is useful as an attribute link between the resulting array and the GeoPandas object from which the points are sourced.

DataArray or Dataset

A subset of the original object with N-1 dimensions indexed by the array of points.

See also


zonal statistics for polygons and linestrings


See the User Guide for detailed explanation of the functionality.


A typical raster Dataset indexed by longitude and latitude:

>>> ds = xr.tutorial.open_dataset("eraint_uvz")
>>> ds
Dimensions:    (longitude: 480, latitude: 241, level: 3, month: 2)
* longitude  (longitude) float32 -180.0 -179.2 -178.5 ... 177.8 178.5 179.2
* latitude   (latitude) float32 90.0 89.25 88.5 87.75 ... -88.5 -89.25 -90.0
* level      (level) int32 200 500 850
* month      (month) int32 1 7
Data variables:
    z          (month, level, latitude, longitude) float64 ...
    u          (month, level, latitude, longitude) float64 ...
    v          (month, level, latitude, longitude) float64 ...
    Conventions:  CF-1.0
    Info:         Monthly ERA-Interim data. Downloaded

Set of points representing locations you want to extract:

>>> points = shapely.points(
...     np.random.uniform(ds.longitude.min(), ds.longitude.max(), 10),
...     np.random.uniform(ds.latitude.min(), ds.latitude.max(), 10),
... )

Dataset with N-1 dimensions indexed by the geometry:

>>> ds.xvec.extract_points(points, "longitude", "latitude", crs=4326)
Dimensions:   (level: 3, month: 2, geometry: 10)
* level     (level) int32 200 500 850
* month     (month) int32 1 7
* geometry  (geometry) object POINT (100.98750049682788 25.66910238029458) ...
Data variables:
    z         (month, level, geometry) float64 ...
    u         (month, level, geometry) float64 ...
    v         (month, level, geometry) float64 ...
    geometry  GeometryIndex (crs=EPSG:4326)
    Conventions:  CF-1.0
    Info:         Monthly ERA-Interim data. Downloaded and edited by fabien.m...