
DataArray.xvec.query(coord_name, geometry, predicate=None, distance=None, unique=False)#

Return a subset of a DataArray/Dataset filtered using a spatial query on GeometryIndex.

Return the subset where the bounding box of each input geometry intersects the bounding box of a geometry in an GeometryIndex. If a predicate is provided, the tree geometries are first queried based on the bounding box of the input geometry and then are further filtered to those that meet the predicate when comparing the input geometry to the tree geometry: predicate(geometry, index_geometry)

Bounding boxes are limited to two dimensions and are axis-aligned (equivalent to the bounds property of a geometry); any Z values present in input geometries are ignored when querying the tree.


name of the coordinate axis backed by GeometryIndex

geometryshapely.Geometry | Sequence[shapely.Geometry]

Input geometries to query the GeometryIndex and filter results using the optional predicate.

predicatestr, optional

The predicate to use for testing geometries from the GeometryIndex that are within the input geometry’s bounding box, by default None. Any predicate supported by shapely.STRtree.query() is a valid input.

distancefloat | Sequence[float], optional

Distances around each input geometry within which to query the tree for the dwithin predicate. If array_like, shape must be broadcastable to shape of geometry. Required if predicate=’dwithin’, by default None

uniquebool, optional

Keep only unique geometries from the GeometryIndex in a result. If False, index geometries that match the query for multiple input geometries are duplicated for each match. If False, such geometries are returned only once. By default False

filteredsame type as caller

A new object filtered according to the query


>>> da = (
...     xr.DataArray(
...         np.random.rand(2),
...         coords={"geom": [shapely.Point(1, 2), shapely.Point(3, 4)]},
...         dims="geom",
...     )
...     .xvec.set_geom_indexes("geom", crs=4326)
... )
>>> da
<xarray.DataArray (geom: 2)>
array([0.76385513, 0.2312171 ])
  * geom     (geom) object POINT (1 2) POINT (3 4)
    geom     GeometryIndex (crs=EPSG:4326)
>>> da.xvec.query("geom", shapely.box(0, 0, 2.4, 2.2))
<xarray.DataArray (geom: 1)>
  * geom     (geom) object POINT (1 2)
    geom     GeometryIndex (crs=EPSG:4326)
>>> da.xvec.query(
...     "geom", [shapely.box(0, 0, 2.4, 2.2), shapely.Point(2, 2).buffer(1)]
... )
<xarray.DataArray (geom: 2)>
array([0.76385513, 0.76385513])
  * geom     (geom) object POINT (1 2) POINT (1 2)
    geom     GeometryIndex (crs=EPSG:4326)
>>> da.xvec.query(
...     "geom",
...     [shapely.box(0, 0, 2.4, 2.2), shapely.Point(2, 2).buffer(1)],
...     unique=True,
... )
<xarray.DataArray (geom: 1)>
  * geom     (geom) object POINT (1 2)
    geom     GeometryIndex (crs=EPSG:4326)