Zonal statistics#

A typical interaction between raster and vector data is zonal statistics - an aggregation of values of the raster that belong of a geographical region defined by a geometry. Vector data cubes are an ideal data structure for such a use case as they preserve the structure of the original cube and all its attributes while allowing you to index it by a polygon or linestring geometry. The geometry can represent any arbitrary geometry within the bounds of the original raster.

import geodatasets
import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import rioxarray
import xarray as xr

import xvec

The example using the ERA-Interim reanalysis, monthly averages of upper level data:

ds = xr.tutorial.open_dataset("eraint_uvz")
Dimensions:    (longitude: 480, latitude: 241, level: 3, month: 2)
  * longitude  (longitude) float32 -180.0 -179.2 -178.5 ... 177.8 178.5 179.2
  * latitude   (latitude) float32 90.0 89.25 88.5 87.75 ... -88.5 -89.25 -90.0
  * level      (level) int32 200 500 850
  * month      (month) int32 1 7
Data variables:
    z          (month, level, latitude, longitude) float64 ...
    u          (month, level, latitude, longitude) float64 ...
    v          (month, level, latitude, longitude) float64 ...
    Conventions:  CF-1.0
    Info:         Monthly ERA-Interim data. Downloaded and edited by fabien.m...

This Dataset is indexed by longitude and latitude representing the spatial grid. When aggregating using ds.xvec.zonal_stats, you are replacing these two dimensions with a single one with shapely geometry.

Land mass geometry

Read the file representing the generalized global land mass as a set of polygons.

world = gpd.read_file(geodatasets.get_path("naturalearth land"))
featurecla scalerank min_zoom geometry
0 Land 1 1.0 POLYGON ((-59.57209 -80.04018, -59.86585 -80.5...
1 Land 1 1.0 POLYGON ((-159.20818 -79.49706, -161.12760 -79...
2 Land 1 0.0 POLYGON ((-45.15476 -78.04707, -43.92083 -78.4...
3 Land 1 1.0 POLYGON ((-121.21151 -73.50099, -119.91885 -73...
4 Land 1 1.0 POLYGON ((-125.55957 -73.48135, -124.03188 -73...
... ... ... ... ...
122 Land 1 1.0 POLYGON ((51.13619 80.54728, 49.79368 80.41543...
123 Land 0 0.0 POLYGON ((99.93976 78.88094, 97.75794 78.75620...
124 Land 0 0.0 POLYGON ((-87.02000 79.66000, -85.81435 79.336...
125 Land 0 0.0 POLYGON ((-68.50000 83.10632, -65.82735 83.028...
126 Land 0 0.0 POLYGON ((-27.10046 83.51966, -20.84539 82.726...

127 rows × 4 columns

## Default aggregation

Using the .xvec.zonal_stats method with any array of geometries, like a geopandas.GeoSeries in this case, will create a Dataset (or a DataArray if the original object is a DataArray) indexed by the GeometryIndex:

aggregated = ds.xvec.zonal_stats(
    world.geometry, x_coords="longitude", y_coords="latitude"
Dimensions:   (level: 3, month: 2, geometry: 127)
  * level     (level) int32 200 500 850
  * month     (month) int32 1 7
  * geometry  (geometry) object POLYGON ((-59.57209469261153 -80.040178725096...
Data variables:
    z         (geometry, month, level) float64 1.1e+05 5.025e+04 ... 1.394e+04
    u         (geometry, month, level) float64 2.401 1.482 ... 2.393 0.8898
    v         (geometry, month, level) float64 0.4296 0.07286 ... 1.116 0.6399
    geometry  GeometryIndex (crs=EPSG:4326)
    Conventions:  CF-1.0
    Info:         Monthly ERA-Interim data. Downloaded and edited by fabien.m...

Aggregation options#

By default, the values are aggregated using mean but you have plenty of other options. For example, you may want to use sum instead.

aggregated_sum = ds.xvec.zonal_stats(
    world.geometry, x_coords="longitude", y_coords="latitude", stats="sum"
Dimensions:   (level: 3, month: 2, geometry: 127)
  * level     (level) int32 200 500 850
  * month     (month) int32 1 7
  * geometry  (geometry) object POLYGON ((-59.57209469261153 -80.040178725096...
Data variables:
    z         (geometry, month, level) float64 3.301e+05 1.507e+05 ... 1.675e+07
    u         (geometry, month, level) float64 7.203 4.446 ... 1.069e+03
    v         (geometry, month, level) float64 1.289 0.2186 ... 1.341e+03 768.5
    geometry  GeometryIndex (crs=EPSG:4326)
    Conventions:  CF-1.0
    Info:         Monthly ERA-Interim data. Downloaded and edited by fabien.m...

Or pass a list of aggregations that will form another dimension of the resulting cube.

aggregated_multiple = ds.xvec.zonal_stats(
    world.geometry, x_coords="longitude", y_coords="latitude", stats=["mean", "sum"]
Dimensions:           (level: 3, month: 2, zonal_statistics: 2, geometry: 127)
  * level             (level) int32 200 500 850
  * month             (month) int32 1 7
  * zonal_statistics  (zonal_statistics) <U4 'mean' 'sum'
  * geometry          (geometry) object POLYGON ((-59.57209469261153 -80.0401...
Data variables:
    z                 (geometry, zonal_statistics, month, level) float64 1.1e...
    u                 (geometry, zonal_statistics, month, level) float64 2.40...
    v                 (geometry, zonal_statistics, month, level) float64 0.42...
    geometry  GeometryIndex (crs=EPSG:4326)
    Conventions:  CF-1.0
    Info:         Monthly ERA-Interim data. Downloaded and edited by fabien.m...

Within the list, aggregations can be specified using a string representing an aggregation method available as DataArray/Dataset or *GroupBy methods like DataArray.mean, DataArray.min or DataArray.max. Alternatively, you can pass a callable accepted by DataArray/Dataset.reduce. Alternatively, you can pass a tuple in a format (name, func) where name is used as a coordinate and func is either known string as above or a callable, or (name, func, {kwargs}), if you need to pass additional keyword arguments.

aggregated_custom = ds.xvec.zonal_stats(
        ("quantile", "quantile", dict(q=[0.1, 0.2, 0.3])),
        ("numpymean", np.nanmean),
Dimensions:           (level: 3, month: 2, quantile: 3, zonal_statistics: 5,
                       geometry: 127)
  * level             (level) int32 200 500 850
  * month             (month) int32 1 7
  * quantile          (quantile) float64 0.1 0.2 0.3
  * zonal_statistics  (zonal_statistics) <U9 'mean' 'sum' ... 'nanstd'
  * geometry          (geometry) object POLYGON ((-59.57209469261153 -80.0401...
Data variables:
    z                 (geometry, zonal_statistics, month, level, quantile) float64 ...
    u                 (geometry, zonal_statistics, month, level, quantile) float64 ...
    v                 (geometry, zonal_statistics, month, level, quantile) float64 ...
    geometry  GeometryIndex (crs=EPSG:4326)
    Conventions:  CF-1.0
    Info:         Monthly ERA-Interim data. Downloaded and edited by fabien.m...

Other options#

You have also other options of customizing the results. You may want to use a different name for the dimension indexed by geometry by passing a name, save the index of the original GeoSeries alongside the geometries with index=True (index is preserved automatically if it is non-default) or define which pixels are consider being a part of a geometry using all_touched=True. If True, all pixels touched by geometries will be considered. If False, only pixels whose center is within the polygon or that are selected by Bresenham’s line algorithm will be considered.

aggregated = ds.xvec.zonal_stats(
Dimensions:         (level: 3, month: 2, world_polygons: 127)
  * level           (level) int32 200 500 850
  * month           (month) int32 1 7
  * world_polygons  (world_polygons) object POLYGON ((-59.57209469261153 -80....
    index           (world_polygons) int64 0 1 2 3 4 5 ... 122 123 124 125 126
Data variables:
    z               (world_polygons, month, level) float64 1.1e+05 ... 1.394e+04
    u               (world_polygons, month, level) float64 2.401 ... 0.8898
    v               (world_polygons, month, level) float64 0.4296 ... 0.6399
    world_polygons  GeometryIndex (crs=EPSG:4326)
    Conventions:  CF-1.0
    Info:         Monthly ERA-Interim data. Downloaded and edited by fabien.m...

Rasterization methods#

Xvec currently offers two methods used to rasterize the geometry. Both are implemented using rasterio but the default method (rasterize) creates a single categorical array based on input geometries using rasterio.features.rasterize. This is a very performant option but comes with a set of limitations. Each pixel can be allocated to a single geometry only, meaning that the aggregation for overlapping geometries will not be precise. Furhtermore, in situations when you have small polygons compared to pixels, some polygons may not be represented in the categorical array and resulting statistics on them will be nan.

Another option is to use method="iterate", which is using iteration over rasterio.features.geometry_mask. This method is significantly less performant even though it is by default executed in parallel (number of threads can be controlled by n_jobs where -1 represents all available cores). On the other hand, it does not have the limitations of exclusivity as the rasterize method and can be more memory efficient.

aggregated_iterative = ds.xvec.zonal_stats(
Dimensions:   (geometry: 127, month: 2, level: 3)
  * level     (level) int32 200 500 850
  * month     (month) int32 1 7
  * geometry  (geometry) object POLYGON ((-59.57209469261153 -80.040178725096...
Data variables:
    z         (geometry, month, level) float64 1.1e+05 5.025e+04 ... 1.394e+04
    u         (geometry, month, level) float64 2.401 1.482 ... 2.393 0.8898
    v         (geometry, month, level) float64 0.4296 0.07286 ... 1.116 0.6399
    geometry  GeometryIndex (crs=EPSG:4326)
    Conventions:  CF-1.0
    Info:         Monthly ERA-Interim data. Downloaded and edited by fabien.m...

Comparison with other methods#

A main difference compared to other methods available in the ecosystem is the resulting object being a vector data cube, preserving the original dimensionality of an Xarray object.


Geocube’s method for zonal statistics using make_geocube is in principle very similar to the implemenation using method="rasterize. Xvec’s method is a bit more generic and does not require a rioxarray CRS attached to the object but requires a user to ensure that the data are using the same projection. The same zonal statistics from geocube documentation can be done using a single line of code.

Load the data:

ssurgo_data = gpd.read_file(
ssurgo_data = ssurgo_data.loc[ssurgo_data.hzdept_r == 0]

elevation = (
    .rio.clip(ssurgo_data.geometry.values, ssurgo_data.crs, from_disk=True)
elevation.name = "elevation"

Generate zonal statistics.

zonal_stats = elevation.xvec.zonal_stats(
    ssurgo_data.to_crs(elevation.rio.crs).geometry,  # ensure the correct CRS
    stats=["mean", "min", "max", "std"],
<xarray.DataArray 'elevation' (geometry: 7, zonal_statistics: 4)>
array([[1.69547634e+02, 1.69539307e+02, 1.69804550e+02, 3.65312762e-02],
       [1.73920127e+02, 1.69558762e+02, 1.89282532e+02, 4.23546672e+00],
       [1.71910405e+02, 1.67691681e+02, 1.86318939e+02, 3.20585141e+00],
       [1.76756619e+02, 1.70410980e+02, 1.80344055e+02, 2.74917394e+00],
       [1.74971541e+02, 1.70244766e+02, 1.79659058e+02, 2.09304460e+00],
       [1.76334406e+02, 1.69263535e+02, 1.94975769e+02, 3.93324959e+00],
       [1.80006464e+02, 1.78314453e+02, 1.81538788e+02, 6.22535698e-01]])
    spatial_ref       int64 0
  * zonal_statistics  (zonal_statistics) <U4 'mean' 'min' 'max' 'std'
  * geometry          (geometry) object MULTIPOLYGON (((-90.59735248065536 41...
    mukey             (geometry) object '271425' '198692' ... '198750' '198724'
    geometry  GeometryIndex (crs=EPSG:4269)
    AREA_OR_POINT:          Area
    BandDefinitionKeyword:  *
    DataType:               *
    LAYER_TYPE:             athematic
    RepresentationType:     *
    scale_factor:           1.0
    add_offset:             0.0
    long_name:              Layer_1


Rasterstats’ implementation, on the other hand, is similar to method="iterate" and should have a similar performance as both depend on the same rasterio functionality. The main difference is that Xvec assumes raster data to be an Xarray object and geometries being shapely objects.


The zonal statistics available in xarray-spatial does not depend on GDAL unline any of the previous options but uses Datashader’s aggregate instead.